Susie Brannon McJimpsey Center Inc Contract for Services

The Susie Brannon McJimpsey Center, Inc is a voluntary community enhancement and mentoring program. The following is a list of what our participants can expect from the Susie Brannon McJimpsey Center Inc and what we expect from participants:

If you decide to enter our program we:

  • Will provide tutors to ensure academic improvement.
  • Will provide positive role models.
  • Will provide instructional workshops to enhance personal growth.
  • Will treat our students/participants with the utmost respect.


In return, you will abide by the following program rules:

  • Be on time.
  • Be prepared to work and show cooperation.
  • Bring homework or something to study each day.
  • Absolutely no fighting or physical contact, no weapons of any kind will be permitted.
  • No outside food/drink without the instructor's permission (including gum/candy).
  • No cursing or use of improper language (name calling, threatening, etc.)
  • Smoking is not allowed nor is the possession or use or alcohol or drugs of any kind.
  • Cell phones and other electronic devices should be off unless given permission by an administrator or instructor. Misuse will result in the device being taken up.
  • Dress appropriately. This includes but is not limited to no head-wear can be worn in the building, pants/shorts must be worn at the waist, belt loops must have a belt.


  • Adults must be addressed with proper respect at all times: (Mr., Mrs., Ms, etc)
  • Clean up area/classroom before the end of each day.
  • Do not leave your chair or classroom without the permission of the classroom instructor.
  • All activities must be confined to the Susie Brannon McJimpsey Center Inc unless otherwise announced. (DO NOT go outside without staff approval and/or without staff supervision.
  • RESPECT yourself, all volunteers and staff, and your peers. This includes not laughing when someone makes a mistake. You are also charged with respecting the property of the Susie Brannon McJimpsey Center Inc including its building and contents.
  • Stay inside the building with a volunteer/staff member until your ride comes in to sign you out.

* If you sign this contract you agree to: Abide by all of the rules of the Susie Brannon McJimpsey Center Inc. You will receive a copy of this contract to keep for your records. The contract has been explained to you and you understand and agree to all terms. Failure to comply with any and all rules may be grounds for dismissal from this program.

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Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature
I have discussed this contract with the student/parent and have explained the program's rules in this contract.
Susie Brannon McJimpsey Center, Inc Administrator Signature